Oct 03, 2024
Project Proposal due TODAY at 11:59pm
Lab 03 due TODAY at 11:59pm
HW 02 due TODAY at 11:59pm
Exam 01: Tuesday, October 8 (in class + take-home)
Lecture recordings available until the start of the in-class exam (Link on side bar of webpage)
Monday’s lab: Exam office hours
No office hours while take-home exam is out
20s% of final course grade
50 points total
In-class: 75 minutes during Tuesday, October 8 lecture
Take-home: due October 10 at 11:30am (we will have class Thursday)
If you miss any part of the exam for an excused absence (with academic dean’s note), your Exam 02 score will be counted twice
Exploratory data analysis
Fitting and interpreting linear regression models
Model assessment and comparison
Categorical + interaction terms
Inference for model coefficients
Matrix representation of regression
Hat matrix
Finding the least-squares estimator (no geometric interpretation)
Assumptions for least-squares regression
Properties of the least-squares estimator
Closed-book, closed-note.
8 questions, some with multiple parts
Question types:
Will be provided all relevant R output and a page of math rules
Just need a pencil or pen. No calculator permitted on exam.
Sit with your lab group.
Select one person to present your group’s response to the class.
Select one person to post your group’s response to the Google slides.