Probabilites, odds, odds ratios

Prof. Maria Tackett

Oct 31, 2024


  • HW 03 due TODAY 11:59pm

  • Project: Exploratory data analysis due TODAY at 11:59pm

  • Tuesday, November 5: Wellness Day (no lecture)

  • Looking ahead

    • Project presentations November 11

    • Statistics experience due Tuesday, November 26


  • Logistic regression for binary response variable

  • Relationship between odds and probabilities

  • Odds ratios and connection to logistic model

Computational setup

# load packages
library(Stat2Data) #contains data set

# set default theme in ggplot2

Predicting categorical outcomes

Types of outcome variables

Quantitative outcome variable:

  • Sales price of a house in Duke Forest
  • Model: Expected sales price given the number of bedrooms, lot size, etc.

Categorical outcome variable:

  • Indicator of being high risk of getting coronary heart disease in the next 10 years
  • Model: Probability an adult is high risk of heart disease in the next 10 years given their age, total cholesterol, etc.

Models for categorical outcomes

Logistic regression

2 Outcomes

1: Yes, 0: No

Multinomial logistic regression (in STA 310)

3+ Outcomes

1: Democrat, 2: Republican, 3: Independent

Do teenagers get 7+ hours of sleep?

Students in grades 9 - 12 surveyed about health risk behaviors including whether they usually get 7 or more hours of sleep.


1: yes

0: no

# A tibble: 446 × 6
     Age Sleep7 Sleep           SmokeLife SmokeDaily MarijuaEver
   <int>  <int> <fct>           <fct>     <fct>            <int>
 1    16      1 8 hours         Yes       Yes                  1
 2    17      0 5 hours         Yes       Yes                  1
 3    18      0 5 hours         Yes       Yes                  1
 4    17      1 7 hours         Yes       No                   1
 5    15      0 4 or less hours No        No                   0
 6    17      0 6 hours         No        No                   0
 7    17      1 7 hours         No        No                   0
 8    16      1 8 hours         Yes       No                   0
 9    16      1 8 hours         No        No                   0
10    18      0 4 or less hours Yes       Yes                  1
# ℹ 436 more rows

Plot the data

ggplot(sleep, aes(x = Age, y = Sleep7)) +
  geom_point() + 
  labs(y = "Getting 7+ hours of sleep")

Let’s fit a linear regression model

Outcome: \(Y\) = 1: yes, 0: no

Let’s use proportions

Outcome: Probability of getting 7+ hours of sleep

What happens if we zoom out?

Outcome: Probability of getting 7+ hours of sleep

🛑 This model produces predictions outside of 0 and 1.

Let’s try another model

✅ This model (called a logistic regression model) only produces predictions between 0 and 1.

The code

ggplot(sleep_age, aes(x = Age, y = prop)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = c(0,1), lty = 2) + 
  stat_smooth(method ="glm", method.args = list(family = "binomial"), 
              fullrange = TRUE, se = FALSE) +
  labs(y = "P(7+ hours of sleep)") +
  xlim(1, 40) +
  ylim(-0.5, 1.5)

Different types of models

Method Outcome Model
Linear regression Quantitative \(y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1~ x_i\)
Linear regression (transform Y) Quantitative \(\log(y_i) = \beta_0 + \beta_1~ x_i\)
Logistic regression Binary \(\log\big(\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i}\big) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ~ x_i\)

Linear vs. logistic regression

State whether a linear regression model or logistic regression model is more appropriate for each scenario.

  1. Use age and education to predict if a randomly selected person will vote in the next election.

  2. Use budget and run time (in minutes) to predict a movie’s total revenue.

  3. Use age and sex to calculate the probability a randomly selected adult will visit Duke Health in the next year.

Probabilities and odds

Binary response variable

  • \(Y = 1: \text{ yes}, 0: \text{ no}\)
  • \(\pi\): probability that \(Y=1\), i.e., \(P(Y = 1)\)
  • \(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\): odds that \(Y = 1\)
  • \(\log\big(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\big)\): log odds
  • Go from \(\pi\) to \(\log\big(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\big)\) using the logit transformation


Suppose there is a 70% chance it will rain tomorrow

  • Probability it will rain is \(\mathbf{p = 0.7}\)
  • Probability it won’t rain is \(\mathbf{1 - p = 0.3}\)
  • Odds it will rain are 7 to 3, 7:3, \(\mathbf{\frac{0.7}{0.3} \approx 2.33}\)

Are teenagers getting enough sleep?

sleep |>
  count(Sleep7) |>
  mutate(p = round(n / sum(n), 3))
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  Sleep7     n     p
   <int> <int> <dbl>
1      0   150 0.336
2      1   296 0.664

\(P(\text{7+ hours of sleep}) = P(Y = 1) = p = 0.664\)

\(P(\text{< 7 hours of sleep}) = P(Y = 0) = 1 - p = 0.336\)

\(P(\text{odds of 7+ hours of sleep}) = \frac{0.664}{0.336} = 1.976\)

From odds to probabilities


\[\omega = \frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\]


\[\pi = \frac{\omega}{1 + \omega}\]

Odds ratios

Risk of coronary heart disease

This data set is from an ongoing cardiovascular study on residents of the town of Framingham, Massachusetts. We want to examine the relationship between various health characteristics and the risk of having heart disease. These notes focus on the following variables:

  • high_risk:

    • 1: High risk of having heart disease in next 10 years
    • 0: Not high risk of having heart disease in next 10 year
  • education: 1 = Some High School, 2 = High School or GED, 3 = Some College or Vocational School, 4 = College

High risk vs. education

Education High risk Not high risk
Some high school 323 1397
High school or GED 147 1106
Some college or vocational school 88 601
College 70 403

Compare the odds for two groups

Education High risk Not high risk
Some high school 323 1397
High school or GED 147 1106
Some college or vocational school 88 601
College 70 403
  • We want to compare the risk of heart disease for those with a High School diploma/GED and those with a college degree.

  • We’ll use the odds to compare the two groups

\[ \text{odds} = \frac{P(\text{success})}{P(\text{failure})} = \frac{\text{# of successes}}{\text{# of failures}} \]

Compare the odds for two groups

Education High risk Not high risk
Some high school 323 1397
High school or GED 147 1106
Some college or vocational school 88 601
College 70 403
  • Odds of being high risk for the High school or GED group: \(\frac{147}{1106} = 0.133\)

  • Odds of being high risk for the College group: \(\frac{70}{403} = 0.174\)

  • Based on this, we see those with a college degree had higher odds of being high risk for heart disease than those with a high school diploma or GED.

Odds ratio (OR)

Education High risk Not high risk
Some high school 323 1397
High school or GED 147 1106
Some college or vocational school 88 601
College 70 403

Let’s summarize the relationship between the two groups. To do so, we’ll use the odds ratio (OR).

\[ OR = \frac{\text{odds}_1}{\text{odds}_2} = \frac{\omega_1}{\omega_2} \]

OR: College vs. High school or GED

Education High risk Not high risk
Some high school 323 1397
High school or GED 147 1106
Some college or vocational school 88 601
College 70 403

\[OR = \frac{\text{odds}_{College}}{\text{odds}_{HS}} = \frac{0.174}{0.133} = \mathbf{1.308}\]

The odds of being high risk for heart disease are 1.30 times higher for those with a college degree than those with a high school diploma or GED.

OR: College vs. Some high school

Education High risk Not high risk
Some high school 323 1397
High school or GED 147 1106
Some college or vocational school 88 601
College 70 403

\[OR = \frac{\text{odds}_{College}}{\text{odds}_{Some HS}} = \frac{70/403}{323/1397} = 0.751\]

The odds of being high risk for having heart disease for those with a college degree are 0.751 times the odds of being high risk for heart disease for those with some high school.

More natural interpretation

  • It’s more natural to interpret the odds ratio with a statement with the odds ratio greater than 1.

  • The odds of being high risk for heart disease are 1.33 times higher for those with some high school than those with a college degree.

Making the table 1

First, rename the levels of the categorical variables:

heart_disease <- heart_disease |>
    high_risk_names = if_else(high_risk == "1", "High risk", "Not high risk"),
    education_names = case_when(
      education == "1" ~ "Some high school",
      education == "2" ~ "High school or GED",
      education == "3" ~ "Some college or vocational school",
      education == "4" ~ "College"
    education_names = fct_relevel(education_names, "Some high school", "High school or GED", "Some college or vocational school", "College")

Making the table 2

Then, make the table:

heart_disease |>
  count(education_names, high_risk_names) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = high_risk_names, values_from = n) |>
  kable(col.names = c("Education", "High risk", "Not high risk"))

Deeper look into the code

heart_disease |>
  count(education_names, high_risk_names)
# A tibble: 8 × 3
  education_names                   high_risk_names     n
  <fct>                             <chr>           <int>
1 Some high school                  High risk         323
2 Some high school                  Not high risk    1397
3 High school or GED                High risk         147
4 High school or GED                Not high risk    1106
5 Some college or vocational school High risk          88
6 Some college or vocational school Not high risk     601
7 College                           High risk          70
8 College                           Not high risk     403

Deeper look into the code

heart_disease |>
  count(education_names, high_risk_names) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = high_risk_names, values_from = n)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
  education_names                   `High risk` `Not high risk`
  <fct>                                   <int>           <int>
1 Some high school                          323            1397
2 High school or GED                        147            1106
3 Some college or vocational school          88             601
4 College                                    70             403

Deeper look into the code

heart_disease |>
  count(education_names, high_risk_names) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = high_risk_names, values_from = n) |>
education_names High risk Not high risk
Some high school 323 1397
High school or GED 147 1106
Some college or vocational school 88 601
College 70 403

Deeper look into the code

heart_disease |>
  count(education_names, high_risk_names) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = high_risk_names, values_from = n) |>
  kable(col.names = c("Education", "High risk", "Not high risk"))
Education High risk Not high risk
Some high school 323 1397
High school or GED 147 1106
Some college or vocational school 88 601
College 70 403

Application exercise

If your group is selected, click here to add your response to the Google Slide.


  • Introduced logistic regression for binary response variable

  • Showed the relationship between odds and probabilities

  • Introduced odds ratios and their connection to logistic model