Lab 01

Simple linear regression

September 9, 2024

Getting started

Ask your TA if

  • You do not have a lab-01 repo in the GitHub course organization:

  • You need help cloning the repo and starting a new RStudio project

Tips for working on lab

  • You do not have to finish the lab in class, they will always be due Thursdays at 11:59pm. One work strategy is to get through portions that you think will be most challenging (which initially might be the coding component) during lab when a TA can help you on the spot and leave the narrative writing until later.

  • Do not pressure each other to finish early (particularly once you start working on teams); use the time wisely to really learn the material and produce a quality report.

Workflow and formatting

Part of the lab grade is for “workflow and formatting” assessing the reproducible workflow and document format. This includes

  • Having at least 3 informative commit messages (practicing version control)
    • There are markers in Lab 01 to help you incorporate version control in your workflow
  • The PDF is neatly organized document with clear exercise headings and readable code and narrative
  • The name (first and last) and date are updated at the top of the document.

When you’re done with lab

  • Make sure all your final changes have been pushed to your GitHub repo
  • Submit your final PDF to Gradescope
    • Access Gradescope through the course Canvas site
    • Mark the pages associated with each exercise.

Lab 01: Park access

Today’s lab focuses on exploratory data analysis and simple linear regression, content from Weeks 01 and 02 in the course.
