Resources for learning R
Below are freely available resources to learn or review the following in R: data wrangling, data visualization, Quarto basics.
In-depth introduction
Coursera: Data Visualization and Transformation with R by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Elijah Meyer
- Includes videos, readings, practice exercise, quizzes, and other resources
- You can select content within the modules you want to complete.
- Focus on Modules 2 and 3. Review the content in Module 1 as needed.s
- Click here for instructions to register for Coursera for free as a Duke student
In-depth review
Data Science with R videos by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Elijah Meyer
Videos from the data science Coursera course
Focus on videos on visualizing and summarizing data
You need to join the Coursera course to access the files from the code along videos.
Learn R: An interactive introduction to data analysis with R
Hands-on tutorial that can be completed within the site (no RStudio required)
Focus on Chapters 4 - 6
Shorter review
R for Data Science (2nd ed) by Hadley Wickham, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Garrett Grolemund
- Focus on Chapters 1 - 3, 10
Additional resources
Tidy Modeling with R by Max Kuhn & Julia Silge
R workshops by Duke Center for Data and Visualization Sciences