STA 221 - Regression Analysis: Theory and Applications

Fall 2024 - Dr. Maria Tackett


In STA 221, students will learn how linear and logistic regression models are used to explore multivariable relationships, apply these methods to answer relevant and engaging questions using a data-driven approach, and learn the mathematical underpinnings of the models. Students will develop computing skills to implement a reproducible data analysis workflow and gain experience communicating statistical results. Throughout the semester, students will work on a team project where they will develop a research question, answer it using methods learned in the course, and share results through a written report and presentation.

Topics include applications of linear and logistic regression, analysis of variance, model diagnostics, and model selection. Regression parameter estimation via maximum likelihood least squares will also be discussed. Students will gain experience using the computing tools R and GitHub to analyze real-world data from a variety of fields.


Either any STA 100-level course or STA 230, 231, or 240L and MATH 216, 218, or 221. The recommended co-requisite is STA 230, 231, or 240L. Interested students with different backgrounds should seek instructor consent.

Class meetings

Lecture Tue & Thu 11:45am - 1pm Old Chemistry 116
Lab 01 Mon 11:45am - 1pm LSRC A247
Lab 02 Mon 4:40 - 5:55pm Old Chemistry 101

Teaching team


Maria Tackett is an Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. Her work focuses on understanding how active learning strategies can be used to promote engagement and student motivation in undergraduate statistics courses. She also studies how classroom practices in introductory math and statistics courses impact students’ sense of community, self-efficacy, and learning outcomes.

Office hours Location

Mon 1:30 - 2:30pm

Thu 3 - 4pm

Old Chem 118B
or by appointment.

Teaching assistants

Name Role Office Hours
Kat Husar Head TA
Lab 02L leader
Tue 1:30 - 3:30pm, Old Chem 220
Jon Campbell Lab 01L leader Tue & Thu 9 - 10am, Old Chem 025
Ishrit Gupta Lab 01L helper Fri 1- 3pm, Old Chem 203B
Alan Wang Lab 02L helper Mon & Wed 10 - 11am, Old Chem 203B


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